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03 9378 2905

Building Friendships and Social Skills in Dance and Performing Arts Classes

09:00 AM

As we head in to our Mid Year Concert weekend (so excited!!!). I would love to discuss in today’s post about something that's really important to me. The magic of building friendships and social skills in our classes.

As a parent and a passionate advocate for dance education, I've seen firsthand how dance has the power to truly bring like minded individuals together that share a bond that lasts a lifetime.

I have been blessed to witness this over my 26 years of teaching. Former dance students are still in my life today and some are even now enrolling their own children in to my classes! Makes me feel very old but deeply grateful.

The friendships at The Dance Centre extend out from the studio to the foyer. Watching our families connect, bond, bring snacks to share with each other is truly the vision and mission I had when creating The Dance Centre.

Ask anyone who attends and they will tell you - The Dance Centre is so much more than just a dance school.

It is a community. A sense of belonging, a family. 


Here are 5 ways we build Friendships and enhance Social Skills in our Classes:

1. Creating a Sense of Community: Classes at The Dance Centre are more than just a place to learn dance moves – they're a vibrant and inclusive community where students come together to share their love of dance and form lasting friendships. From the moment a student walks through the purple building, our students greet them with warm smiles, creating a welcoming and supportive environment where every student feels valued, respected, and accepted for who they are.

2. Collaboration and Teamwork: Dance is often a collaborative art form that requires students to work together as a team to achieve a common goal. Whether it's learning a group dance routine, partnering with a fellow dancer, or performing in a concert, students learn the importance of collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork. Through dance, they develop essential social skills such as communication, compromise, and conflict resolution, setting them up for success in school, relationships, the workplace and beyond.

3. Empathy and Compassion: Dance and Performing Arts provides a unique opportunity for children to step into someone else's shoes and see the world from a different perspective. Through dance and performance, student’s learn to empathise with others, understand their emotions, and express compassion and kindness. Whether it's through a heartfelt performance or a supportive gesture towards a fellow dancer, dance fosters a sense of empathy and connection that transcends language and cultural barriers.

4. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: As students develop their dance skills and gain proficiency in class, they also build confidence and self-esteem that extends beyond the dance studio. With each small victory – whether it's mastering a challenging dance move, performing in front of an audience, or receiving praise from their teachers and peers – children gain a sense of pride and accomplishment that boosts their self-confidence and self-worth. This newfound confidence empowers them to take risks, try new things, and step outside of their comfort zones both in and out of the studio.

5. Lifelong Friendships: Some of the strongest and most enduring friendships are formed at the studio. At The Dance Centre, our students have the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers who share their passion for dance and creativity. Whether it's bonding over shared experiences, supporting each other through challenges, or celebrating successes together, The Dance Centre creates bonds that last a lifetime. These friendships provide a source of companionship, support, and joy that enrich children's lives both now and in the years to come.